For as long as I can remember I have always loved drawing and being creative. I was an awkward kid with a head too big for my body and a funny way of holding my pencil. Almost every teacher I had in elementary school would try and force me to hold the pencil “properly.” Thankfully it never stuck.

Looking back, I guess my creative career started around 3rd grade when my sister and I decided to hang out a shingle. We set up a table in our neighborhood and sold drawings to kids for a quarter. We had a book of 1” x 1” clip art and cartoon characters. Kids would choose the design they liked and my sister and I would draw it for them on letter size piece of paper.

In the years since that auspicious start I’ve had many interesting gigs in addition to my creative career; t-shirt screen printer, caricature artist, Super Bowl half time performer, and I spent 13+ amazing years as a volunteer firefighter/EMT. All of these experiences, in some way, have helped me become a better designer, art director, illustrator, and creative. I love what I do and I enjoy working collaboratively and strategically. I also try to include illustration in my work when I can because it all started with my love of drawing. 


Daniel “Icebox” Anderson